What you listen is what you get

Joe Olivare
2 min readOct 22, 2020


Spotify has been my go-to music app. Wherever and whenever I’m travelling to the bustling roads of EDSA, I’ll just plug-in my earphones, play my favorite songs and everything went brighter and less stress.

As I go through to my recommendations, Spotify usually creating a “Daily Mix” for me, sorted based on genre. I’ve realized that most of the recommended songs were based from what I’m often listening to. No doubt, K-POP music dominated my playlist a LOT. 🍭

Apart from K-POP, I’m also tend to listen to other genres based on my mood. When I wanted to feel relax , I listen to “80s music”. When I got vexed and wanted to be alone, I listen to “Soft or hard rock music” and If I just wanted to get upbeat and make my mood lighter, I listen to “Pop music”. In conclusion, my “Daily Mix” playlist reflects my persona and mood based from my listening habits.

Another impressive algorithm of Spotify is that they can recommend similar playlist based from your listening (as if like someone is stalking on you 🤖). I think it is also a fair-way to promote songs that awaits to be unveiled or explored.



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